Trainees' Self Registration
Trainees' Self Registration
Trainees' Self Services
Trainees' Self Services
Courses equivalency
Courses equivalency
Trainee's status inquiry
Trainee's status inquiry
Updating Employees' Password
Updating Employees' Password
Updating Trainees' Password
Updating Trainees' Password
Technical Support portal
Technical Support portal
E-Transactions Preparation
E-Transactions Preparation
Creating an Internal Memorandum
Creating an Internal Memorandum
An inquiry of introduction and confirmation of salary documents for employees
An inquiry of introduction and confirmation of salary documents for employees
TVTC Governor Award for Applied Research Platform
TVTC Governor Award for Applied Research Platform
Mazaya Teqani System
Mazaya Teqani System
Applying to the TVTC to Apply for the Available Programs and Majors
Applying to the TVTC to Apply for the Available Programs and Majors
Register a new email for employees
Register a new email for employees
Add / change IBAN
Add / change IBAN
Re-enrollement Service
Re-enrollement Service
Transfer request for the trainee initiated by the college
Transfer request for the trainee initiated by the college
Change of major request initiated by the college
Change of major request initiated by the college
Visit request for the trainee initiated by the college
Visit request for the trainee initiated by the college
Certified trainer license issuance service
Certified trainer license issuance service
Training Program Registration
Training Program Registration
Mobile number change service
Mobile number change service
Registration service for supporting programs
Registration service for supporting programs
Training Schedules Service
Training Schedules Service
Study deferral service
Study deferral service
Withdrawal service
Withdrawal service
Request transfer service
Request transfer service
Major change request service by the trainee
Major change request service by the trainee
Term Withdrawal Service
Term Withdrawal Service
Print training program certificate
Print training program certificate
Electronic Certificates
Electronic Certificates
Your Account Security
Your Account Security
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