
About Us


The Technical and Vocational Training Corporation (TVTC) is the government agency concerned with technical and vocational training in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia since 1400 AH / 1980 AD. TVTC specializes in the development of national human resources through training ,contributing  to meeting the labor market’s needs for manpower since the issuance of the Council of Ministers' resolution approving the establishment of the Corporation by Resolution No. M/30 dated 10 Shaaban 1400 AH. The Council of Ministers Resolution No. (268) dated Shaban 14, 1428 AH was issued to reorganize it and define its tasks and objectives.

TVTC provides technical and vocational training programs for males and females according to the quantitative and qualitative demand of the labor market. It offers many training programs in its training facilities, including technical colleges and institutes, as well as in strategic partnerships institutes and international technical colleges. In addition, it offers training programs in private training facilities, and flexible community support programs. The total number of TVTC facilities reaches 283, covering all parts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

According to the results of the Global Knowledge Index issued by the United Nations Development Program and the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation, the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation ranks 9th globally for the year 2021, after it was ranked 12th in 2020, 86th in 2019 and 117th in the year 2018. The Global Knowledge Index seeks to provide an approach for countries to advance forward-thinking strategies in promoting strong knowledge economies, as it measures knowledge at the global level, as a comprehensive concept that is closely related to sustainable development and various dimensions of contemporary human life.​

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