
What are the conditions to be awarded an academic exellence reward?

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.- The trainee must not exceed the regular period (five semesters for diploma and bachelor, and withdrawal is counted among these semesters) 
- The GPA should not be less than 4.75 out of (5) according to the grades entered in the training units system at the end of the semester preceding the candidate’s graduation (only one training semester left before his graduation), and that he has completed the training in a period that falls within the minimum period for staying in the unit and only has the last semester left to graduate.
 - The candidate must be a Saudi or equivalent (to whom a stipend is deposited).
- The trainee must not have been denied or failed in any training course.
- The trainee must not have been issued any disciplinary penalties registered in the training units system.
- The trainee must not be an employee‏ (have an internal scholarship).
- The trainee must not be registered in the evening applied training program. ​

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