
TVTC Portals

Open Data Policy

Key Principles of Open Data

Principle 1: Data should be Accessible by Default

This principle ensures that the data of public entities is accessible to all through disclosure, access, or use, unless the nature of the data requires it to remain undisclosed, protected, or confidential.

Principle 2: Open Format and Machine-Readable Accessibility

Data is made available and provided in machine-readable formats that allow for automated processing, ensuring it is saved in commonly used file formats such as: CSV, XLS, JSON or XML.

Principle 3: Timeliness of Data

The most recent versions of open data sets are published regularly and made accessible to everyone as soon as they become available. Additionally, data collected by public entities is published as quickly as possible upon collection, whenever feasible. Priority is given to data whose value decreases over time.

 Principle 4: Comprehensiveness

Data sets should be openly comprehensive, including as much detail as possible, and accurately reflect the recorded data without conflicting with personal data protection policies.  Metadata should also be included to clarify and explain the raw data, along with providing interpretations or formulas that illustrate how the data was derived or calculated.

Principle 5: Non-discrimination

Data sets must be made available to everybody without discrimination or registration. Anyone, at any time, can access the published open data without the need for identity verification or providing a justification for access.

Principle 6: No Cost

Open data must be made available to everyone free of charge.

Principle 7: Open data licensing in the Kingdom

Open data is subject to a license, which defines the legal basis for using the data, as well as the conditions, obligations, and limits imposed on the user. The use of open data also implies acceptance of the licensing terms.

Principle 8: Developing a Governance Model and Engaging Everyone

Open data ensures accessibility and inclusiveness, improves public transparency and accountability, and supports decision-making and service delivery.

Principle 9: Comprehensive growth and innovation

Entities are expected to play an active role in encouraging the reuse of open data and providing the required resources and expertise to support it. They should collaborate with relevant stakeholders to empower the next generation of open data innovators and engage individuals, entities, and everyone in general in launching open data capabilities.


Responsibility of Technical and Vocational Training Corporation:


-         TVTC is not liable for any damage, loss or misuse caused to users by the use of the published data.

-         Published data may be subject to periodic review aimed at improving the quality of open data and maximizing its benefits. Therefore, TVTC does not guarantee the continuous availability of this data.


Accountability of Open Data User:

The user of open data is accountable for any outcomes resulting from the reuse of open data from TVTC's portal. Reusing this data must not lead to any errors or inaccuracies related to the content, source or date of the data. It is important to abide by the professional and legal conditions and conventions governing data use, as outlined by regulations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Terms of use:

­­ Open data is available for public use, and your access and use of such data are subject to the following terms and conditions. They are also subject to the provisions of all applicable laws and regulations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:

·         When using this data, it must not be altered or distorted, including its source.

·         When using this data, it must not be used to mislead others.

·         When using this data, it must not be used for political purposes, supporting illegal or criminal activity, or for discriminatory or racist comments. They must not be used to incite or negatively affect culture, or to promote violence, nor for any illegal activities or actions that go against our customs and traditions.  

·         When using this data, it must cite TVTC as its source, to maintain TVTC's ownership of the data, and ensure its credibility and the validity of its source. The source can be referred to by citing the link to the TVTC's portal.

·         The user of open data can share the studies' results with TVTC through the General Directorate for research and studies at


Related legislation:

·       Technical and Vocational Training Corporation's open data policy is governed by the Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority's policies outlined in the link

·       Open Data Strategy

·         Anti-Cyber Crime Law

·         Essential Cybersecurity Controls

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