
Technical Training Honors 2,306 Trainees for Their Excellence

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The Technical and Vocational Training Corporation honored 2,306 trainees for receiving the Academic Excellence Bonus in its two branches - the semester and graduates - in technical colleges, and secondary industrial institutes, and architecture and construction institutes for the third training semester of 1445 AH.
The Corporation clarified that the number of outstanding students who received the Excellence Bonus reached 1,637 male and female graduates. The bonus is granted to those who completed training in training facilities and achieved a cumulative average of no less than (4.75) out of (5.00) according to their grades at the end of the trainee's last semester. Each outstanding graduate received a sum of money amounting to SR 2,000 and a certificate of excellence.
(669) male and female trainees also received the Semester Excellence Bonus. The bonus is given to the continuing trainee who completed the third training semester at technical colleges and the fifth level for secondary institute trainees according to their training plan. To be eligible, the trainee must have a cumulative GPA of no less than (4.85) out of (5.00) according to his grades. Each outstanding graduate received a sum of SR 1,000.
 It is worth noting that the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation provides these bonuses as part of a package of incentive programs with the aim of encouraging male and female trainees at colleges and institutes to excel, succeed and surpass in their academic and professional lives.

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