
Technical and Vocational Training Corporation

Technical and Vocational Training

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Technical and Vocational Training Corporation (TVTC) ​offers several training programs in its training facilities, as well as in strategic partnerships institutes and international technical colleges. In addition, it offers training programs in private training facilities, and flexible community support programs. The total number of TVTC facilities reaches 260, covering all parts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ,as the number of continuing trainees in various training programs reaches more than 240,000 trainees. 

Training Units:

  • Technical Colleges

Technical colleges qualify students at high school or their equivalent to obtain an intermediate university degree (sixth level of the National Qualifications Framework). These colleges also offer some applied bachelor programs (seventh level of the National Qualifications Framework) to qualify trainees as technical engineers.

  • International Technical Colleges  

Governmental technical colleges provide training through international operators. These colleges offer a two-year diploma program preceded by a preparatory year in English language. The applied engineering bachelor’s program is offered at the Technical Trainers College.

  • Strategic Partnerships Institutes

Non-profit technical training institutes that the TVTC adopts to establish, license, supervise, and operate with the private sector. They offer technical training programs for high school graduates or equivalent, with on-the-job training and various periods of time. ​

  • Secondary Industrial Institutes, and Architecture and Construction Institutes​

Secondary training institutes qualify middle school graduates and first and second secondary grades to obtain the diploma of industrial institutes, architecture and construction with a training period of (3) years. These institutes also offer diverse  evening training programs open to all levels for all segments of the community.

To view the TVTC Programs Click here

To view the admission and registration procedures guide for TVTC programs, Click here​​


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