
TVTC Approves Rewards for Scientific Excellence to Motivate Trainees

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The Technical and Vocational Training Corporation has motivated the current semester trainees in the training facilities by approving the disbursement of scientific excellence reward, as the reward is granted to trainee who has completed the third training semester for the trainees of technical colleges and the fifth level for the trainees of secondary institutes according to their training plan. It includes the disbursement of (SR 1,000) One thousand riyals.

His Excellency the Governor of TVTC also endorsed the disbursement of the scientific excellence reward for graduates for the same training semester, which is granted to those who completed training in the training facilities. The trainee is granted (SR 2,000) two thousand riyals and a certificate of excellence at the end of the last semester for the trainee.

These rewards come as an incentive for trainees who obtain outstanding rates to encourage them to continue excelling and succeeding in their practical and scientific lives. 785 male and female trainees received the reward, distributed as follows:
(285) trainees in technical colleges for boys, (495) trainees in technical colleges for girls, and (5) in industrial secondary institutes.

While the scientific excellence reward for graduates was obtained by (895) trainees, distributed as follows:
(553) trainees in technical colleges for boys, (144) trainees in technical colleges for girls, and (198) trainees in secondary industrial institutes.

It is worth noting that the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation, through programs to motivate trainees, aims to graduate a generation that is aware of its responsibilities, keeping pace with the requirements of the labor market, and  a partner in the development of the country in line with the Kingdom's Vision 2030.

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