
Training on entrepreneurship at Technical Colleges - TVTC.

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Consultation title

Entrepreneurship training in technical colleges – TVTC.


Brief on entity

TVTC had shared a public consultation on its Twitter account to know the public's point of view on the impact of entrepreneurship programs in promoting the culture of freelance work and entrepreneurial projects.


Project title

 The impact of entrepreneurship programs on promoting the culture of freelance work and entrepreneurial projects (a study).


Project topic

 Based on your opinion, select the suitable choice on entrepreneurship training in technical colleges:


List of selected consultation answers:


1- By adding entrepreneurship courses in all majors.

2- By having an entrepreneurship program after diploma.

3- Entrepreneurship training is not suitable in technical colleges.


Channels of participating in the consultation

                             (Click here)​​

Consultation results


1- The first option                                                       31.4%

2- The second option                                                  40.7%

3- The third option                                                      27.9%


Result and Impact

The questionnaire results reflect the importance of training on entrepreneurship by a percentage of 72% of responders. Based on the importance of the entrepreneurship, TVTC launched an initiative for entrepreneurship within (Human Recourses Development Initiatives) that aims to develop diverse courses for entrepreneurship based on training fields with considering the nature of majors provided to trainees, as well as aims to qualifying trainers. In addition, TVTC provides training courses for graduates and support seekers through National Entrepreneurship Institute "Riyadah".

National Entrepreneurship Institute​


Project Status




 Entrepreneurship in technical and vocational training


Target group

 trainees in TVTC colleges and institutes



 Education and Training


Project period

 (08-01-2023 | 12-01-2023)​


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