
Technical Training Implements More Than (1,500) Guidance Programs During This Year’s First Semester

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The Technical and Vocational Training Corporation implemented (1541) guidance and awareness programs during the first semester of the current training year, targeting more than 200,000 male and female trainees in its affiliated colleges and institutes.​

The Corporation explained that one of the most prominent programs implemented during the past semester was the New Trainee Preparation Program, from which (45,026) male and female trainees benefited; and the Psychological Health Program for (88,710) male and female beneficiaries. The Smoking Prevention Program was implemented for (99,207) male and female beneficiaries, and the Preparatory Program for Scientific Excellence was also held for (26,904) male and female beneficiaries. In addition, (65,495) trainees, male and female, also benefited from the Behavioral Development Program. 

Among the programs that were also implemented were the Technical and Cognitive Skills Development Program for (22,102) beneficiaries, and a program in the field of digital awareness for (60,759) male and female beneficiaries.
Another (72,614) male and female trainees benefited from the Intellectual Protection Program, and (23,148) male and female trainees also benefited from the Professional Integration Program.

TVTC added that the number of guidance meetings with male and female trainees held in training facilities reached (677) meetings, and the number of guidance sessions provided to male and female trainees in colleges and institutes reached approximately (1,300) sessions.

The general administrations for technical training in the regions held 44guidance meetings with trainees.
The Corporation works to provide guidance, counselling, and education programs and services, with the aim of building and strengthening the concepts and values of male and female trainees, supporting their positive behavior, and creating a safe and stimulating environment for male and female trainees.

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