
Ten Participants From Technical Training at the International Exhibition for Inventions, Innovations and Technology in Singapore

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The Technical and Vocational Training Corporation is participating in the International Exhibition for Inventions, Innovations and Technology in Singapore (Worldinvent Singapore22 + 23), during the period between (4-6) September 2023 AD, with the participation of 10 trainees from different regions of the Kingdom, as part of the Corporation’s efforts to support and discover the talented and innovative, and qualify them to access international participation.

The Governor of the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation, Dr. Ahmed bin Fahd Al-Fuhaid, explained that the Corporation has taken great interest in innovation and caring for talented people, extending to the directives of our wise leadership in supporting and caring for innovators, noting the Corporation's belief in the capabilities of the citizens, and its keenness to encourage them in creating new qualitative and technical ideas that can be developed and implemented to become tangible model through specialized clubs supervised by specialized trainers.

His Excellency added that the trainees achieved advanced positions at various local and international participations through their innovations. He pinpointed the 10 different medallions that were won by participants in the Inventions and Innovations Exhibition held in Malaysia last May.
He reiterated the Corporation keenness to brief the trainees on world trends in the field of innovation. He confirmed that there are many partnerships to develop the talented clubs at all facilities. He looked forward to achievements by the trainees at the international competition for inventions and innovations in Singapore, as well as representing the Kingdom and global competing in the field of innovations. 
The Director General of the General Administration of Activities, Engineer Abdullah bin Ibrahim Al-Duhailan, pointed that participation at the competition comes within the Corporation’s keenness to care for the trainees, invest their energy in building the renaissance of the homeland, support them by participation in local and international competitions, encourage them to innovate and create ideas that can be developed, implemented and then marketed.
He noted that – with the support of TVTC Governor - the Activities Administration’s role extends to sponsoring graduates, adopt their ideas and support them, as well as individuals of the community.

Al-Duhailan indicated that the participants in the Singapore International Exhibition for this year are 10 trainees: 6 males and 4 females, from different facilities and specializations, who were united by the passion for science and the love of innovation and the spirit of one team to participate in the multidisciplinary tracks of the exhibition. He noted that the trainees had an intensive training program, consisting of three stages (online, in Riyadh and in Malaysia) in order to introduce them to the arbitration mechanisms and method of presentation, in addition to mastering the marketing aspect of the presentation, and working on the participation requirements.

It is worth noting that the Worldinvent exhibition is considered a gathering for specialists and the interested in the field of science and technology industry, in addition to investors who wish to create new job opportunities for innovative projects. The presence of trainees is an opportunity to introduce their innovations and develop their creative ideas and improve their entrance as competitors in competitions representing the Kingdom.

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