
TVTC Approves More Than 1,250 Programs for Private Sector Training Facilities in 2022

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The Technical and Vocational Training Corporation (TVTC) approved more than 1,250 various training programs for private sector training facilities in the Kingdom in 2022.  This came into effect following its approval by specialized arbitrators from inside and outside TVTC who work on studying and arbitrating the training program according to the approved regulations and under the supervision and follow-up of a specialized work team of curriculums experts to ensure that the training content meets the standards and requirements of these programs.

The General Directorate of Curriculums at TVTC indicated that requests for approving training programs for private sector training facilities, whether developmental courses, qualifying courses, or programs, are received by the General Directorate for Private Sector Training. The Directorate will approve the requests  after ensuring that all documents, forms, and content quality are endorsed by the General Directorate of Curriculums and then returned to these facilities to address any issue -if any- before approval.

Moreover, the General Directorate of Curriculums clarified that this comes in line with TVTC's emphasis on the role of the private sector training in qualifying for the skills and knowledge needed in the business sector, and that TVTC is working to strengthen its partnership with this vital sector through supporting initiatives and policies.

It is worth mentioning that TVTC supervises more than 1,200 licensed private sector training facilities across the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and is keen to control the quality of training outputs in these facilities by meeting all required standards and creating training that contributes to meeting the requirements of the labor market.

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